中國—葡語國家經貿合作論壇(澳門)常設秘書處聯絡辦公室主任及聖多美和普林西比派駐代表施蒙格(Gika Makeba da Graça Simão)、聖多美和普林西比創業局局長阿德密爾頓·特謝拉(Admilton Teixeira)及隨行代表伊德爾特魯斯·卡瓦略(Ideltrudes Carvalho)6月7日訪問澳門青年創業孵化中心,獲林家偉行政總裁接待,代表們參觀了活動區、孵化空間以及路演廳等空間。對方表示,孵化器在該國屬於一種新的概念,希望藉此次參觀了解中心的運作及營運模式,以逐步完善該國對初創企業的支援。希望未來與中心建立友好合作關係,誠意邀請中心代表到訪聖多美和普林西比,增進雙方交流。
Dr. Gika Makeba da Graça Simão, Coordinator of the Liaison Office and Representative of Sao Tome and Principe of Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao visited the Macao Young Entrepreneur Incubation Centre on June 7th together with Admilton Teixeira, Director of Entrepreneurship and his accompanying representative, Ideltrudes Carvalho, and was warmly received by the CEO of the Centre, Mr. Carlos Lam. The representatives visited the activity area, incubation space and roadshow hall. Since incubator was newly established in Sao Tome and Principe, the guests regarded the visit was an opportunity to study the operation and service model, so as to strengthen the support for the domestic start-ups. The representatives hoped to establish a friendly and cooperative relationship with the Centre, as well as to invite the Centre to visit Sao Tome and Principe in the future for mutual exchange.
另外,中葡論壇(澳門)常設秘書處佛得角派駐代表米格爾(Nuno Miguel Melo Furtado)、數字佛得角(Cabo Verde Digital)代表密爾頓·卡布拉爾(Milton Cabral)以及佛得角青年企業家協會(Associaçao Jovem Empresário Cabo Verde)代表阿尼爾森·萊寧·門德(Lenine Mendes) 於6日訪問澳門青年創業孵化中心,他們參觀了活動區、孵化空間以及路演廳等地方,同時亦向中心人員了解中心的運作模式以及會員孵化數據等。佛得角青年企業家協會是一個企業家組織,整合各方資源扶持他們發展。他們期望澳門能作為佛得角與中國之間的交流平台,同時亦希望與中心建立友好合作關係,使彼此的企業能有更緊密的交流與聯繫。
Dr. Nuno Miguel Melo Furtado, Representative of Cape Verde of Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao visited the Macao Young Entrepreneur Incubation Centre together with Milton Cabral, representative of Cape Verde Digital and Lenine Mendes, representative of Young Entrepreneur Association of Cabo Verde. They visited the activity area, incubation space and roadshow hall, and got to know more about the services that the Centre provided and the incubation data. As they told, Young Entrepreneur Association of Cape Verde is an entrepreneurial organization that pools resources to promote business development. They wished Macao will serve as a platform between China and Cape Verde, as well as to establish a friendly and cooperative relationship with MYEIC, so that start-ups from both would have closer exchanges and contacts.